Mortgage Glossary

There are a lot of unfamiliar terms that get tossed around during the mortgage process. But don't worry, we've put together this glossary to help you get a better grasp of any terms that may be less than clear.

Property Taxes
Taxes based on the assessed value of the home, paid by the homeowner for community services such as schools, public works, and other costs of local government. Sometimes paid as a part of the monthly mortgage payment.
Public Auction
A gathering at a pre-announced public location to sell property to satisfy a mortgage that is in default.
Public Record
A collection of legal documents that are filed with the local government registry so that the public will know what liens, encumbrances or judgements may affect any piece of real estate.
Purchase Agreement
A written contract signed by the buyer and seller stating the terms and conditions under which a property will be sold.
Purchasing Managers Association of Chicago (PMAC) Survey
The PMAC Survey is a composite diffusion index of manufacturing conditions in the Chicago area. Readings above 50% indicate an expanding factory sector.